Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Today's Actions

Today I watched TMA trade mostly evenly across the board. The early morning it fell, but stabilized around $1.52 throughout the day. Is anyone else waiting for this sucker to go bankrupt or at least trade a lot lower? If you do not know, TMA is looking for financing because they are broke. They need roughly a billion dollars to pay the banks so they do not cash in their collateral. I believe their deadline is tomorrow to finalize this financing. Either way, the current shareholders are screwed. The deal is only lucrative to the new finance companies. This deal will dilute the current shareholders by 40%.

In other news, I have been reading 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris.
This book is awesome and offers a new way to look at life. It has inspired me to look outside the box and rely on my ideas and strengths rather than the voices of others. Time will only tell if he was right, but I can already tell that my new motivation has allowed me to get more done in current life and for the future.

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